Thursday, March 14, 2024


Tired of having to depend on tracing and/or using grids when drawing or preparing for a painting? Do you want to be able to confidently sketch while out and about, in a coffee shop, at a park, while on vacation, etc.? Confused as to how artists can recreate shapes and proportions effectively when drawing freehand? 

Most people know that even though I enjoy using references when drawing or painting (I use both photos as well as draw/paint from dire
ct observation
), I'm not a very big believer in tracing and using grids.

We can use grids while sketching or doing perspective work.

But freehand drawing is the best technique to sketch/ draw anything around you, what's in your mind. it won't waste your time and you do not need more tools to carry.

  1. first, you guys must know which no. conatins lightest and darkest charcoal/granites.

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Practising freehand drawing is an excellent way to improve your artistic skills and express your creativity. Here are some tips to help you ...